Category: Musician

Babette Puzey

Babette Puzey

At 57 years of age, I can actually say, “I’m a singer.” I always wanted to say that and I honestly can’t remember a time when I didn’t. As soon as there was an opportunity to join chorus in grade school, I did. I performed in a few of those… read more Babette Puzey

Bill Ali

Bill Ali

About 4 years ago I jumped headfirst into playing music for a living. I had been a “weekend warrior” for about 15 years before that, playing in cover bands to satisfy my love for performing. 2020 would have been my best year ever, I had my calendar for the entire… read more Bill Ali

Joe Davoli

Joe Davoli

I’m a fiddle player and teacher. I’m lucky,  I found out at a young age what makes me “tick”! I feel blessed to be able to share my passion with fellow musicians, my students, AND an audience. People sometimes joke, “musicians never work a day in their lives”. Well, that’s… read more Joe Davoli

John McConnell

John McConnell

My Mom wasn’t thrilled with the idea of me playing “rock music” but she said that I could buy a guitar with my own money if that’s what I wanted to spend it on. That’s all the motivation a 14-year-old me needed to go out and find my first job… read more John McConnell

Jeff Tripoli

Jeff Tripoli

Before COVID-19 came around, I was on tour with a band called The Town Pants. The Town Pants are my band, my best friends, my extended family. Just a humble Celtic folk-rock band from Vancouver, BC I joined back in 2016. Since my arrival, I’ve had the privilege to record… read more Jeff Tripoli

Chris LeFever

I had recently moved back to Central New York after 15 years as a full time working musician in the Tampa Bay Area when COVID-19 hit. Prior to that, I spent several years between Syracuse, Ithaca, and NYC. I moved back to Syracuse to be closer to my immediate family… read more Chris LeFever

Ally Brown

Ally Brown

I work a full-time day job, perform as a violinist, and help manage the bar in a popular music venue, The 443 Social Club and Lounge in Syracuse. I am the sole administrator of my life. I am accustomed to sixteen-hour days. I am my own multiple-income household because I… read more Ally Brown

Mark Nanni

Mark Nanni

I’m a full-time, professional musician of 25 years, based out of Central New York. For approximately 20 of those years, I was a side man for the band Los Blancos, then later for Jess Novak Band and Dark Hollow, and throughout, I led my own trio, The Intention, simmering on… read more Mark Nanni

Liz Fiddle

Liz Simchik, aka “Liz Fiddle”

For the last two years, my boyfriend and I have been working diligently to renovate an old restaurant in Durhamville, NY, right next to the Erie Canal. We are transforming it into a venue, teaching studio and art gallery featuring rentable space, community classes and workshops. We envision our new… read more Liz Simchik, aka “Liz Fiddle”

Mark Doyle

Mark Doyle

Before March and the COVID shut down, I was a full-time musician, dividing my time between record production, live performances, and private one-on-one teaching. In the blink of an eye, everything went away. I was in the middle of producing and recording an album with the artist I tour with,… read more Mark Doyle